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Job interviews

Tips and advice

Become familiar with various approaches. Interviewers may not always use the same strategy, and these short questionnaires will help you prepare. Interviewer tactics may include indirect questions that need to be understood and deciphered. It's important remain vigilant and be aware of which abilities the interviewer is assessing at any given time. Various approaches that take the edge off questions that are seemingly irrelevant are also offered.

Hidden meanings

Some questions are commonly answered identically by everyone due to the social appeal of the 'right' answer. Here are some ways that interviewers might differentiate their questions, in order to get a more accurate response.

Discovering abilities

Find the skills or qualities that the interviewer is most likely looking for.

Off topic interview questions

These questions are usually classified as brain teasers, market sizing questions and estimations.

Discover ways to answer them effectively!

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