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Some people solve problems; others create problems. Here are some tips for each of the personality types to use their traits to improve the problem solving process. However, remember the importance of balance. Don't go too far in pushing your personality traits. For example, feelers can help ensure that the personal consequences of every alternative are weighed, but getting too emotional and personal will reduce your credibility.
Just as in conflict resolution, Es need to make an effort to listen. They should avoid the temptation to jump in every time there is a pause in the discussion.
Is need to avoid their natural tendency to filter everything they say. Sometimes problem solving requires brainstorming and spontaneity.
Ss have the natural ability to express the problem to be solved in tangible, simple terms. They also have a tendency to supply facts and figures that can be extremely helpful in problem solving.
When everyone else in the group sees only gloom and doom, Ns have the ability to find creative solutions to turn something bad into something good. Ns should point out the alternatives and make sure each is thoroughly examined.
Ts can help the group see if it has become too attached to a problem. Ts can help keep things in perspective, including the cold, hard consequences of each alternative.
Fs can ensure that the personal consequences of every alternative are clearly defined. They also can go a long way in ensuring group harmony during the problem solving process, by ensuring everyone has a chance to express their ideas.
Js can help keep the group oriented on the ultimate goal: solving the problem. Js can also ensure that whatever solution is reached can be implemented in a timely and efficient manner.
Problem solving offers Ps the opportunity to be the devil's advocate. A few pointed questions can lead to better solutions.